1. Stress and Burn-out coaching

An estimation of the number of sessions will be determined in agreement with you

  • Duration per session: 60 minutes

  • Fee per session: 50 euros

From the 2nd session you will have a discount of 10% if you immediately choose for a program of 3 sessions (= 45 euros per hour)

2. Life coaching

An estimation of the number of sessions will be determined in agreement with you.

  • Duration per session: 60 minutes
  • Fee per session: 50 euros

From the 2nd session you will have a discount of 10% if you immediately choose for a program of 3 sessions (= 45 euros per hour)

3. Social & administrative support

No additional fee is charged for social and administrative support in combination with stress and burn-out coaching or life coaching.

In the case of only social and administrative support, your needs will be checked during a 1st meeting. This may concern an action plan regarding the follow-up of monthly administration, follow-up of invoices, research concerning your administrative questions, filling in documents, digital support, etc. The number of sessions of social and administrative support is determined in agreement with the client.

Social and administrative support program:

  • Cost and duration for the 1st meeting: 50 euros  – 1 hour
  • From the 2nd session: 40 euros per hour (or 20 euros per 30 minutes)

Do you have a question or comment, or do you just want to share something?

Feel free to contact me without any obligation.